Manitoba Crop Yield Shaping Up to be Average to Above Average with Excellent Quality

Farmscape for August 10, 2017

Manitoba Agriculture reports crop yields are shaping up to be average to above average with excellent quality.
Manitoba Agriculture released its weekly crop report Tuesday.
Anastasia Kubinec, the Manager of Crop Industry Development, says, with the warm weather, crops continue to develop nicely.

Clip-Anastasia Kubinec-Manitoba Agriculture:
Right now most of our winter cereals are getting to the hard dough and the final ripening stages.
Harvest has begun in winter wheat and the early fall rye crops with yields looking fairly good.
Also some of the field pea crops have started to dry down and are being desiccated or straight cut.
Some early harvest has started there as well.
The yields are looking quite good there too.
With the spring cereals, they are getting to some of the final ripening stages, at the end of soft dough into hard dough and ripening.
Farmers are planning to potentially desiccate or have desiccated or are staging for straight cutting operations right now.
With some of the cooler season crops such as flax and canola, they are done their flowering process.
They are in the grain filling stages.
With canola, there's probably five to ten percent of the crop that is starting to be staged for swathing or pre-harvest desiccation if producers are planning to go in and straight cut that canola.
With the later season crops such as sunflowers, corn and soybeans, they are still at the early parts of their grain filling stages.
Corn has cobs, it's in the grain filling stage.
Sunflowers are completely headed out, they are finishing up their pollination and flowering or starting their pollination and flowering and the soybeans have started flowering, have developed and are in the pod filling stage as well.

Kubinec says moisture has been limited in some areas but, right now, we are optimistic that crop yields will be average to above average and that quality will be excellent.
For Farmscape.Ca, I'm Bruce Cochrane.

       *Farmscape is a presentation of Sask Pork and Manitoba Pork